Beetle Bailey is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker. It debuted on September 4, 1950, in twelve newspapers and was originally distributed by King Features Syndicate. Set on a fictional United States Army post, it is one of the oldest comic strips still in syndication.
Beetle Bailey is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker.
After the war, Walker decided to use his experiences in the Army as the basis for a comic strip. Beetle Bailey was born.The characters in the strip are all named after various military people he had contact with during his stay in the Army. The main character, Beetle, is a young private in the United States Army.
The strip became popular during the Korean War and has been in syndication ever since. It is still being produced by Walker's sons, Brian and Greg.
Beetle Bailey was one of the first comic strips to be adapted to animation. The first adaptation was a series of shorts made by Famous Studios, a subsidiary of Paramount Pictures. The shorts were released theatrically from 1952 to 1955.
The next adaptation was a TV series that aired on ABC from 1963 to 1966.
The Controversy:
The comic strip 'Beetle Bailey' was dropped from the Tokyo edition of Stars and Stripes magazine in the 1950s because the comic showed the character of Lieutenant Flap as a black man,
and this was not acceptable to the Japanese. In 1970.Now get ready for one of my favorite cartoons after school in 1963... as usual for more in-depth info on Beetle Bailey use my Wikki Search at top of my Blog... BJ 🙈🙉🙊