Commander McBragg is an animated cartoon series that aired in the 1960s. It features an old timer like character, Commander McBragg, a military officer who tells tall tales of his adventures and exploits. The show was produced by Total Television Productions and was shown in syndication. Each episode consisted of Commander McBragg telling a story, usually involving some sort of adventure or battle, with a moral lesson at the end. The show was aimed at a younger audience and was known for its humorous and educational content.
Commander McBragg was based after Sir C. Aubrey Smith, older English actor from the 1930s and 1940s, always to be seen in pubs and social gatherings
sipping on brandy by the fire and telling tales about himself in battle.
sipping on brandy by the fire and telling tales about himself in battle.
You know I really did like these short segment cartoons; they only use to last about 2 minutes but were great! He had colleagues, but I never heard him call them by name ("to stuck on himself") I guess. (LoL)
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BJ ๐๐๐
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